
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gears Of War PC Game

Gears Of War

Gears Of War PC Game

Developer...........: Epic Games
Release Date......: Nov 7, 2007

Game Features
• Engaging.and.disturbing.story..Massively.scoped.worlds,.memorable
• characters and an epic storyline play out like an intense and unsettling
• and a compelling
• story.bring.the.brutal,"Gamers
• control.Marcus Fenix""advanced"human
• technology against the overwhelming and horrific Locust Horde.
• Fire.Team.Co–"modes,.levels,.and"scenarios"are
• designed"for"cooperative"team"play"(Ai or Human)."For"the"first.time,
• Ai.teammates.are.indiscernible.from.human.players..They.take.orders
• effectively,"move.intelligently,
• when.necessary..Gamers.will.experience.richer.cooperative.gameplay
• than ever, through unique characters that must cooperate to survive.
• Unprecedented"visuals"in"next–generation"gaming._Ushering".in
• the next generation with.unprecedented.visuals..the.Unreal 3.Engine,
• technology"pushes"high–definition"visual"designs"and"brings"out"the
• smallest"details"in"the"largest"battle._Gamers"will"experience"a"rich
• dynamic world with an unprecedented level of.detail..Characters.come
• to"life"with"unbelievably"high.model"quality.and.a.physics–integrated
• animation.system.that.has"them"truly"reacting"intelligently"to"events
• as they unfold around them.
• Hyper-realistic.and.intense combat..In.Gears.Of.War,.the battlefield
• is a lethal place. To foolishly stand out in the open is to die. To survive,
• gamers"can"create"and"take.cover.using.the"interactive.and.dynamic
• environments,"supress.the"enemy"with"blindfire,.and.utilize.weapons
• and teammates to outwit and outfight them.

System Requirements:

OS: Windows Vista or Windows XP
Processor : 2.4+ GHz Intel; 2.0+ Ghz AMD
RAM : 1 GB
Hard Drive : 12 GB free hard drive space
Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce 6600, ATI X700 equivalent or above

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